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Island Heights Grade School

115 Summit Avenue 

P.O. Box 329

Island Heights, NJ 08732


2023-2024 School Year

Fifth Grade Teachers :

Mrs. Major:   Homeroom, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science

Mr. Bruner:   Math

Dear 5th Grade Parents/Guardians,


We are so excited to welcome you into the 5th Grade school year!  Your child will need the following school supplies to start the  year off nice and organized.  Thank you for your assistance in purchasing the supplies listed below!

*** Parents/Guardians : We ask that you please assist your child with unwrapping all of their new supplies at home prior to the first day of school .   First, we encourage each student to take the time to choose a few small items to place into their zipper supply pencil pouch.  For example, place about two pencils, two erasable pens, one eraser, one whiteboard marker, and 3 colors of highlighters into the pencil zipper pouch.  Next, place the rest of the small items into the shoebox-sized storage container.  This container will act as each student's supply box throughout the school year to replenish their pencil case as needed. Students will slide the storage container into their classroom cubbie, and place their zipper pouch into their 3-ring binder.  This system will help to teach them how to stay fantastically organized!

Mrs. Major's Supply List (LA, SS, and Science)

1. One plastic shoebox-sized storage container  (or Gallon-Sized Ziplock storage bag)


2. One package of Blue or Black Pens (erasable)


3. One package of No. 2 Pencils 


4.   Pencil Erasers


5. Clear Tape


6.  Highlighters (at least 3 to 5 different colors)


7. Box of Crayons


8.  Glue Stick


9. Scissors


10. Pencil case (3-hole zipper supply pouch would work best)


11. Headphones with volume control in a ziploc or storage bag labled with the student's name (not blue-tooth/wireless)

12. Notebooks in the Following Colors:


a. Green Language Arts Notebook (3-Subject)


b. Blue Social Studies Notebook (3-Subject)


13 . One LA Folder 


14.   One 1.5-inch 3-Ring Binder ( with a front plastic insert sleeve to slide in a coversheet)


Mr. Bruner's Math Supply List

1. One Math Folder


2. One package of Pencils 


3. White erase markers (any size/color)


Art Supplies - These will be used in the classroom and taken to and from Art Class weekly:

1. Colored Pencils (24 count or less)


2. Cover-up/smock- this can be an old button up shirt


3. Thin washable markers (12 count or less)


***1 box of tissues from each student would be much appreciated!




Thank you!

Best Always,

Mrs. Elizabeth Major